Wednesday 7 January 2015

Why Started Air Cooler Heat Exchanger Journey Blog?

Hi, my name is Dougles Chan and I am in the creation of an interesting project for my client to do some testing of some of my concepts I had been thinking regarding SEO, I will be writing articles and blog post to talk about my journey to target Air Cooler, Heat Exchanger and Air Cooler Heat Exchanger to optimised them for my client.

Apology that my English is not so "powderful" and I just want to ensure whatever I write is something not edited and original. I will not get a copywriter and editor to do any magic. It will be plain original and just to do some testing and perhaps we can learn something really interesting for people who are viewing this blog. Do post your comments and share this article if you like them. Thanks!

My Objectives
- To get the following keywords to rank as high as possible in

1) Air Cooler
2) Heat Exchanger
3) Air Cooler Heat Exchanger

How I will do it, by creating backlinks, writing stories and using some social media to promote it. I will not write articles, only stories about the said topic and we will see what will happen next. Stay tuned!

Dougles Chan - The Recruitment Guru

Current ranking for Air Cooler, Heat Exchanger and Air Cooler Heat Exchanger

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