Friday 16 January 2015

Updates on Air Cooler Heat Exchanger Blog

It's a tiring week and had not much time to blog in this blog. Sorry about it. Anyway, spend the first 2 days attending a CEO program on how to get the company to be IPO. It was an intense program and it raised my level and realising that things that we do not know can be the most dangerous!

Going back into the keyword - Air Cooler Heat Exchanger, I asked myself, is there anything the we, as an internet marketing guru, has something that we do not know that can be dangerously danger? What I mean is that if all the public infomation and knowledge is so open, everyone will be doing the same thing...and that could mean that when everyone is buying the stock market to go up, the "mastermind" will be secretly selling their shares.

This could be something to really ponder about - if I am now trying to make Air Cooler Heat Exchanger to be number 1 in itself, could there be an external force or "hidden" mastermind controlling the whole game?

What happen if what all marketing expert in the whole world is wrong? What happen if it is all a piece of banker an player platform where we are the players and the bankers always win? What if......

What can I do to become a banker, no, I should ask a better question. What can I do to become the Banker of the bankers.... that will be a good question for me to ponder before I go to bed.

Sweet Dreams ~~

Dougles Chan - The Recruitment Guru


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